onboard:earth is a live events industry response to the climate crisis
onboard:earth is a live events industry response to the climate crisis. Our mission is to move low-carbon travel into the heart of live event culture and unite a community of festivals and events, audiences, suppliers, artists and music companies in raising funds for community-benefit environmental restoration projects:
We are onboard:earth
> On a mission to tackle travel impacts at live events
> Funding environmental restoration
> On behalf of future generations
Our impacts

£ raised for environmental restoration

acres of threatened rainforest protected

live event industry members

trees planted

community-benefit renewable energy projects

event-goers engaged

Watch our video
Members, Partners, Projects and Clients
Latest news
The onboard:earth Travel Carbon Calculator App is Live
Designed to support live events professionals, artists and crew to measure, understand and record their event-related travel impacts, the updated onboard:earth Travel Carbon Calculator
Join onboard.earth at the Better Business Summit
Ben Robinson, Director of From The Fields and onboard.earth Trustee, will be at the Better Business Summit (BBS) in conversation with environmental journalist Sophie
onboard.earth wins LIVE Green Award 2024
We are delighted to announce that onboard.earth won the LIVE (Live music Industry Venues and Entertainment) LIVE Green Award for 2024. The LIVE Awards