Vision: 2025 are one the organisations that helped to create onboard:earth. Established as a non-for profit group to promote climate action, through the provision of free-to-access shared knowledge in 2010, Vision: 2025 now represents over 1,000 event businesses through industry body stakeholders and leaders in the field of sustainability.
Steering group members are: Julie’s Bicycle, Festival Republic, The Association of Independent Festivals (AIF), The Association of Festival Organisers (AFO), The National Outdoor Events Association (NOEA), The Production Services Association (PSA), Powerful Thinking, Without Walls, The Nationwide Caterers Association (NCASS), The South Coast Events Forum, Soliphilia, The Fair, Betternotstop, Attitude is Everything, The East Anglian Festival Network, LS Events and Brown Fox Comms.
In 2015, their first edition Show Must Go On report highlighted the huge impact that travel emissions has on overall carbon impacts at greenfield Music Festivals and Events. This lead to the creation of onboard:earth (the The Festival Energy Revolution) whose mission is support the industry to understand and reduce travel impacts and to support environmental restoration to help mitigate the worst effects of climate change.
Find out more about Vision:2025.