Introduction to how we work
We have a three-step process to help members tackle travel impacts and fund environmental restoration.
Measure and reduce: We provide resources, tools, and advice to help you gather and understand event travel data and take action to reduce them with proven strategies.
Fund Environmental Restoration: Be part of the solution and create positive impacts for people and nature by funding environmental restoration with our programmes: Trees+ and Energy Revolution. We help events to crowdsource donations and channel them to our environmental restoration partners.
Inspire Change: Use your voice as a catalyst for positive change: We help you celebrate your positive impacts and share insights and learnings to help accelerate progress towards low carbon travel and transport in the events world and beyond.

Benefits of joining onboard:earth
> onboard:earth is trustworthy: We are a UK registered charity founded in 2015, we have a track record of working successfully to tackle travel impacts across the live events industry and to fund environmental restoration with our verified partners.
> Share the journey: We work with a community of over 160 festivals and events, suppliers, artists and music companies. We provide updates to best practice and membership events to share the learning.
> Make your action count: We understand the science and perform due diligence on all environmental restoration partners to deliver maximum impact for people and nature.
> Access our knowledge base: Our Board of Trustees have expertise in the key areas of live events, event sustainability, travel and transport, climate change, communications, environmental restoration and climate investments.
> Amplify your positive action: We advise on how to reduce environmental impacts from travel and how to communicate plans, performance and impacts with stakeholders in a clear and engaging way.

onboard:earth for Festivals and Events
Join our community of events who are working with their networks to reduce travel impacts an fund environmental restoration:
> Use our tools to measure and report travel emissions
> Use our templates to make a sustainable travel plan
> Use our resources to learn about and promote low carbon travel to your audiences, crew, suppliers and artists.
> Add a donation to vehicle passes at your event at point of sale
> Fund our trusted environmental restoration projects
> Engage your stakeholders with our tools and resources
> Use our guidance and assets to communicate with audiences
> Use assets we provide to celebrate your impact
> It’s free for events to become a member.

onboard:earth for for Suppliers and Companies
onboard.earth provides resources that support companies to record travel emissions and reduce them where possible.
> Use our tools to measure and report travel emissions
> Use our templates to make a sustainable travel plan
> Submit your travel log and choose to fund environmental restoration
> We charge a tiered annual membership fee of £50-£150
> Use our guidance and assets to communicate with stakeholders
> Use assets we provide to celebrate your impact.

onboard: earth for event agencies
> Use our tools to measure and report travel emissions on behalf of yourself or your clients or work with a third party to collect travel data
> Use our resources to support clients to make a sustainable travel plan
> Submit travel logs and choose to fund environmental restoration
> Use our guidance and assets to communicate with stakeholders
> Use assets we provide to celebrate your impact.
> It’s free for event agencies to join

onboard:earth for artists
We work with artists, agencies, labels and music companies to help them understand the travel impacts of their operations and take the next steps.
> Use our tools to measure and report travel emissions on behalf of yourself or your clients or work with a third party to collect travel data
> Use our resources to make a sustainable travel plan
> Choose to fund environmental restoration
> Use our guidance and assets to communicate with stakeholders
> Use assets we provide to celebrate your impact.
> It’s free for artists to join