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Tackling Digital Carbon Footprints

One impact of the pandemic has clearly been the growth of online events, obviously these involved less carbon emissions from travel, but did you know that digital events also cause increased carbon emissions? It’s an interesting area that we at are delving into further and we’re inviting you to join us:

You can read more on this topic from our CEO Chris Johnson in his recent blog for Vision: 2025, exploring the world of digital footprints here.

We have been using this nifty tool to calculate the emissions caused by websites, developed by London-based WordPress web agency, Wholegrain Digital. 

Working on similar principles to our own Travel Carbon Calculator, Wholegrain Digital’s Website Carbon Calculator calculates your website’s carbon footprint, enabling you to truly understand how your website is impacting the environment, and how you could reduce that impact, with suggestions such as compressing images and having more efficient file formats.

Wholegrain Digital claim that the Internet consumes 416.2TWh of electricity per year – which is more than the entire United Kingdom – a compelling case for taking action to reduce our online emissions wherever possible. Find out more at

Here at we’re tackling the emissions associated with our own website, and we’re looking at how we can support the events sector to tackle their online event emissions as well as tackling travel from in-person events. Watch this space!