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The website is owned and operated by The Festival Energy Revolution Ltd trading as, registered charity no.1171961, registered company no. 09727842, registered address Kambe House, 34 Portland Square, Bristol BS2 8RG.


This Privacy Policy was updated on 1st August 2024.

Protecting your privacy as a member of onboard:earth and as a user of the website is important to us and we strive to keep all information relating to you confidential in accordance with this statement. As part of the normal operation of our services you may voluntarily provide us with information about yourself (“Personal Data”). The purpose of this Privacy Policy is to explain what Personal Data we collect about you, how that Personal Data might be used and how we protect your Personal Data and privacy.

We will be happy to answer any enquiries from you regarding this Privacy Statement, the Personal Data we hold about you or the use we make of it. If you have any queries or comments, or if you (as a member) wish to correct, update, amend or remove any information we hold about you, please contact us via hello@onboard:earth.

What data do we collect and how?

If you are merely visiting the public areas of the Website, we do not collect any Personal Data about you. However, we may automatically collect information about your visits, such as browsing patterns. Information collected in this way does not reveal your contact details or any type of Personal Data. This information is only used in aggregate form to analyse, manage and develop the Website and is not linked to any individual.

Some of the personal and other data we may process and store include:

  • Name and job title
    • Contact information including email address
    • Website usage data
    • Other information relevant to enquiries
    • Other information pertaining to special projects and surveys
    • Information about your travel activities related to the provision of our services
    • Information about your event or company travel and audience data
    • Anonymous audience data related to your event
    • From time to time you may also provide other Personal Data which we need to provide you with the service you request, such as your credit card details, other information about yourself, your preferences or your experiences.
    We process and use personal data in a number of ways and for a range of reasons including:
    • When you subscribe to the onboard:earth mailing list to be kept up to date with the work of and services offered by, onboard:earth. You may unsubscribe from this list at any time by emailing us at hello@onboard:earth or clicking the ‘unsubscribe’ link in the email.

    • When you register for and attend onboard:earth events, so that we can inform you of the relevant information relating to that event.
    • When you contact us through the website and by email, in order to respond to enquiries. We may also keep a record of such enquiries.
    • When you join onboard:earth as a festival member, a supplier member or an Artist or Agent member, so that we can provide you with the services you have signed up for.
    • When you use the onboard:earth Travel Carbon Calculator so we can provide you with our carbon balancing service.
    • When you donate to onboard:earth via the website or other methods, for the purposes of processing that donation.
    • When you download onboard:earth  resources, for the purposes of providing you with that resource and if you choose to also subscribe to the onboard:earth mailing list.
    • When you respond to onboard:earth  calls for research, for the purposes of industry research.
    • When you browse the onboard:earth website, we may collect anonymised details of your IP address, browser type and operating system, and the web pages you visited to better understand how people are using our resources and how we might improve the website.

When we collect data, like that submitted through the onboard:earth Travel Calculator and that submitted to our calls for industry research and surveys, this is anonymous and is used to contribute to aggregate data, which will be used to improve industry benchmarks for environmental reporting to chart the industry’s progress. ecolibrium may request that we identify your data as part of our published research, but we will never do so without your explicit consent.


The website makes use of cookies which are files placed on your computer that enable us to track certain information relating to your use of the Website. You may be able to configure your web browser to prevent the use of cookies although some functions or services may not be available. We do not allow third party advertisers to advertise on the Website. For more information on the use of cookies and how to disable them, we recommend

Where do we store your information and how do we protect it?

We will always hold your information securely. To prevent unauthorised disclosure or access to your information, we have implemented strong physical and electronic security safeguards.

Your data is shared with individuals and companies working with onboard:earth to provide our services to members. We may also share your information with service providers (such as cloud storage and services) who process data on our behalf.

Third Parties

Third parties are employed to manage the website, develop the site or manage your data on our behalf. All third parties employed by onboard:earth to deliver services to our members will be required to adhere to this privacy statement, or onboard:earth will have ascertained that the Third Party(ies) Privacy Policy meets the standards we have set out in this statement.

onboard:earth Travel Calculator App

If you are using the onboard:earth Travel Calculator App which is available for free download, please note onboard:earth do not access directly or store any of the personal or travel data that you enter into the app. Your personal data and payment information is stored by the third party payment merchant Stripe for the purposes of the payment or payments you make via the app – please refer to Stripe’s Privacy Policy for more information at  onboard:earth receives the data referring to your payment including personal details, but not card payment information. All data received by onboard:earth in relation to your carbon balancing payments are stored in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

Your Rights

Any personal information we hold about you is stored and processed in line with the General Data Protection Regulation 2018.

We will never lease, distribute or sell your personal information to third parties unless we have your permission or the law requires us to.

You have the right to correct, update, amend or remove any information we hold about you. Please contact us via with your request.

Changes to our Privacy Policy

This Privacy Statement is subject to change at any time. We encourage you to review the Privacy Statement regularly for any changes. Any changes we may make to our privacy policy in the future will be posted on this page and, where appropriate, notified to you by email.

We will use Personal Data in accordance with the Privacy Statement under which that Personal Data was collected.

We welcome your questions and comments about privacy issues and the design of the Website. Should you have any comments or a complaint about how we are using your Personal Data please contact us at