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Rainforest Trust supports Rainforest Trust through our Trees+ programme. This established charity fulfils the ‘protection’ aspect of the programme – working to protect threatened rainforest from deforestation and keep carbon safely stored in the forest.

Rainforest Trust’s mission save endangered wildlife and protect our planet by creating rainforest reserves through partnerships, community engagement and donor support. Through these partnerships, they ensure sustainable results necessary for the long-term protection of tropical ecosystems and the wildlife they hold. They have been implementing their conservation model successfully for over 35 years and have protected over 50 million acres of threatened habitat. 

Rainforest Trust UK is a registered British charity (No: 1169111) working in partnership with Rainforest Trust in the U.S. to protect the world’s most threatened rainforests and other tropical ecosystems. This charity enables people in the UK to donate to Rainforest Trust projects around the world and is an active supporter of the project.

Rainforest Trust Logo

Rainforest Protection and Climate Change

We cannot stop climate change without saving tropical forests. If tropical deforestation were a country, it would be the third largest emitter of greenhouse gases after China and the United States. Yet, in spite of this destruction, the tropical forests that remain still remove twice this quantity of CO₂ equivalents from the atmosphere each year. We need to halt deforestation now, to keep historical carbon safely locked up in the wood and soil; to keep removing excess CO₂ equivalents from the air; to save endangered species; and to support Indigenous and traditional communities. In short, protecting tropical forests is one of the most efficient and cost-effective ways each of us can fight climate change right now (Source: Rainforest Trust).

The positive impact of members’ donations:

Since 2019 donations to onboard:earth’s Trees+ programme from members have gone towards Rainforest Trust’s Rainforest Climate Action Fund, which supports projects that store and sequester vast quantities of carbon to help in the fight against climate change. So far protecting 26,547 acres of threatened rainforest:

The fund works with local partners to support projects in three categories:

Frontier Forests: These forests massively reduce carbon emissions in the immediate future because they protect forest in imminent danger of destruction—a so-called “frontier” providing a protective barrier, keeping dense forest intact.

Super-Sequesterers: Forests inundated by water are particularly efficient sequesterers because the water blocks the oxygen required for carbon-releasing decomposition. These include flooded forests, swamp forests, peat forests and mangroves.

Carbon Vaults: These forests lock up carbon in large, tall, intact hardwood forests in perpetuity for a reasonable cost. These large trees store vast amounts of carbon in their wood, roots and soil, preventing huge amounts of carbon from being released.

“Our partnership with helps events fund the protection of tropical forests which cost-effectively store and sequester vast quantities of carbon. This includes established old-growth forests; frontier forests on the edge of the deforestation line; and ecosystems known to sequester high amounts of carbon”

Rainforest Trust UK

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