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Solar PV Systems & Biomass Heating 

Balancing donations from 2017 went to fund two further energy projects through Abundance Investments: Ecossol; which helps  fund the installation of solar PV systems on the rooftops of homeowners wanting to go green; and Alternative Energy Developments, which provides biomass heating systems for charity-owned outdoor adventure centres in Scotland.

Ecossol makes it affordable for homeowners in the northeast of England to install solar PV systems, which power their homes and contribute clean renewable energy to the grid. Ecossol monitors and maintains the solar systems and homeowners can use the electricity generated for free in return for the rights to the feed–in tariff payments. Homeowners can then buy their solar PV system outright as well as the rights to the tariff.

Alternative Energy Developments owns and installs biomass boilers that provide low carbon heating systems for venues, including charity-owned outdoor adventure centres in Scotland and a biomass-from-waste-wood venture in Rotherham.

Both investments were made through Abundance, who are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Find out more about the projects and Abundance at