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Project update from Trees+ partner Forest Carbon

Forest Carbon are the UK planting partner for our Trees+ programme. Trees+ was launched in May 2020 and despite the restrictions and cancellations caused by covid in 2020 we’re happy to share that our members donations to the programme have ensured that 12, 390 trees have been planted at a site called Lowther Whale in Cumbria.

Planting was completed in Spring 2020 and since then the site has been undergoing its Woodland Carbon Code audit. The good news is that the project was certified in November 2020 meaning that the carbon credits associated with the tree planting at Lowther Whale will be issued via the IHS Markit Registry and assigned.

“The Woodland Carbon Code audit ensures, among other things, that the right trees are planted in the right places, that they are managed and monitored in the long term, that the projects are subject to periodic re-certification, and confirms that the project would not have proceeded without the intervention of Forest Carbon and partners. Woodland Carbon Code certified projects are protected, by both UK law and long-term contracts with landowners.” Stephen Prior, Forest Carbon