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Tree Planting with the Dave Matthews Band

Dave Matthews’ Bama Green Project is dedicated to educating fans around the world about how to take simple and positive steps to take action on climate change. By using a biodiesel-fuelled tour bus, reducing waste and eating locally while on tour, Matthews’ band has managed reduce the carbon footprint of its touring.

In 2020, the Dave Matthews Band (DMB) committed to plant one million trees as a collective effort with partners Docusign and the Dreaming Tree Wines. Like, DMB realises the importance of engaging fans in the projects and they are inviting concertgoers to join them in this mission by contributing an optional donation of $2 per ticket to plant a tree with the Nature Conservancy’s “Plant a Billion” campaign– a major forest restoration effort with a goal of planting a billion trees across the planet.

If you’d like get involved in tree planting can help; donations to our Trees+ programme can be added to the ticket buying process for an event or tour – which means fans are simultaneously supporting tree planting in the UK, reforestation and the protection of threatened rainforest. Find out more

Photo credit: Diliff, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons