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Annual Report for 2023: Celebrating another year of uniting events in environmental restoration

Presenting’s (previously ecolibrium) annual report for 2023 which looks back over the charity’s previous year’s achievements, shares our impacts, developments and partnerships and points to our direction of travel for 2024. Read our CEO, Chris Johnson’s comments on the repot below and Download the full report here.

“’s journey started in 2015 as an industry response to COP21, with big ideas and ambitious targets. We set out to engage the festival sector in reducing the environmental impacts of travel – the industry’s most significant impact.

As a community of festivals, suppliers and industry organisations, we have learnt a great deal about how to reduce emissions, shared that widely through reports resources and tools, and while on that journey, collectively invested an amazing £650,000 in community renewable energy, forest protection, tree planting, ecosystem regeneration and communities whose lives are being severely impacted by climate change.

This year’s corporate partnership with You.Smart.Thing has enabled us to work with and support an innovative tech-driven online route planner service, to help event-goers plan travel and donate to our climate action funds. The partnership has been positive for both parties, and we anticipate this will continue to be a valuable relationship going forward.

Our vision and mission statements reflect our core purpose of supporting members to measure, report and reduce impacts with our tools and resources. We have now embarked on an exciting journey to rename and rebrand the charity to reflect this focus.

Our 2030 strategy is focused on three impact goals:

  • Establish best practice – define and normalise best practices for low-carbon travel and transport in the live events sector.
  • Build a community taking measurable action – build a community of members on a clear path to a 50% reduction in travel emissions by 2030.
  • Invest £1m+ in nature and climate projects – restoration and protection of ecosystems, positive social impact, renewable energy and carbon mitigation.

During 2023, we have worked closely with a core group of members to better understand the data required for robust carbon footprinting, how to collect this more easily, and how this can be used to develop our tools and guidance.

As we look forward to 2024, we will focus on gathering data to establish industry benchmarks, working with partners to build online tools for the industry, and onboard new members, and an exciting rename and rebrand. I am very happy to present to you the 2023 Annual Report.

Chris Johnson, CEO, May 2024

Download the annual report for 2023.