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nordic jazz comets tackle travel emissions

Nordic Jazz Comets Tackle Tour Emissions

From 2020–2021, The Nordic Jazz Comets’, “In The Key Of Green” project set out to study ecologically sustainable practices and possibilities in live jazz productions in the Nordic countries. The project brought 14 established jazz clubs and festivals and five jazz groups from Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden, together in three workshops led by sustainability specialists. As a result of the workshops, the participants planned five tours and 20 concert events in September 2021. The carbon footprint of the tours has been reduced to a minimum, with travel emissions minimised with tour routing made efficient through the collaboration of artist, organisations and venues – and unavoidable travel emissions calculated and compensated. 

On the road, each band will create a tour diary from a specific point of view. You can follow their journey, ask questions or participate in discussion on their selected social media channels with hashtags #nordicjazzcomets and #inthekeyofgreen or with the band’s own campaign hashtag. The entries and selected commentaries and online discussions will also be posted daily on the band’s subpage.

Svaneborg Kardyb (Den) are one such band, a Danish duo who will be performing their “Run on Renewables Tour” using renewable energy, kicking off with a performance in Iceland where 2/3 of electricity is provided by hydropower plants and 1/3 comes from geothermal energy.

In the spring of 2022 the project will release a guide and casebook for sustainable jazz concerts and touring in the Nordic region. 

ecolibirum aided Joss Stone on a similar challenge to balance her emissions on her 2019 tour. Unavoidable emissions were balanced with donations towards wind power generation and reforestation in the state of Tamil Nadu, India for the first half of her tour and the second half was balanced through the Trees+ programme – planting nearly 2,000 trees in the UK and protecting 125 acres of threatened rainforest in Laos. have created a Guide for Sustainable Transport & Travel for events (link to it on our site) and our Guide to Sustainable Touring for Artists is coming soon email to register your interest in receiving the guide when it’s published in Autumn 2021.

nordic jazz comets tackle tour emissions

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nordic jazz comets tackle tour emissions