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The Show Must Go On Report 2020 is launched

The updated Show Must Go On report is now available, sharing the latest industry advice on creating sustainable events. Huge congratulations to the team at Powerful Thinking and Vision:2025; including’s CEO Chris Johnson, who raised funds for the report, and trustee, Liz Warwick, who authored the Travel & Transport chapter – which gives guidance on how event organisers, suppliers and artists can cut travel emissions and case studies of where this has been achieved. It’s great to see so many of’s featured for their sustainable initiatives, around travel and more, including Rock City Stage Crew, Love Saves the Day, Greenbelt Festival and MTD Water.

The report also marks the launch of an online ‘Knowledge Hub’, a free-to-access resource that features content from the report, resources and a ‘sustainable supplier’ directory. 

Download the report and access the case studies and Knowledge Hub: